Astral Projection, OBE

Hello Astral!

Welcome to my personal journal of OBE and Lucid dreaming experiences. Although they are different terms, I very much see them as they same thing, simply labels for the same inner experience of the mind and the greater consciousness. I chose the out-of-body term as all my experiences so far have had the motion of my body floating away from my physical body.

Even in my  dreams where I have become fully conscious and immediately leave that dream environment,  I experience a strong floating away of my body before appearing in another location.

The Lucid Dreaming term is probably a much safer label for people to deal with. You have to open your mind a little bit more to accept that our consciousness can perhaps really leave the body and travel into very solid consensus realities with stable personalities and structures; far beyond the fragmented experiences of dreams.

As I venture forward on this journey I seek to understand the differences and report them back. Please bear with me on my inaugural adventure as I seek the answers for myself.

Why have I created this blog

I have created this blog as a tool to encourage my own sub-conscious to really get behind my desire to learn and experience these wonderful voyages of the mind and beyond.

I also hope in some small way that this also inspires others to dip their toe into this subject and record their own experiences.

I give thanks to the people who have  inspired me with their lectures, books and videos.

My Journey really started after attending the IMOA Conference in Southend-on-Sea back in Nov 15, where Todd Acamesis gave a small lecture on his personal experiences. This ignited a passion in me to look deeper and start practicing for myself.

Researching Todd led me onto other teachers listed below.
Todd Acamesis, Jürgen Ziewe,,  Yogani, William Buhlman et al.

The wonderful thing about having an OBE is that it opens up the inner teachers within all of us. We can truly seek and look for the answers ourselves. Out of all the spiritual practices I have looked into during my life, this has been the biggest enabler to give me a good kick up the spiritual backside and DO SPIRITUAL rather than READ SPIRITUAL.

Bon Voyage

Ian Jones